The S.T.E.W. Project:
Simply Taking Emphasis on Wellness

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Fitness Purpose Behind Movement

Putting Purpose Behind Movement: The Benefits of Indoor & Outdoor Cycling

Putting Purpose Behind Movement: The Benefits of Indoor & Outdoor Cycling    I remember when I first got hired by Aquila, the corporate wellness company that helped mold my corporate fitness career. Danna, the Program Coordinator for Exercise Operations at the CDC was interviewing me and was asking me about what classes I taught. I told …

Fitness Purpose Behind Movement

Putting Purpose Behind Movement: The Benefits of Push-Pull Exercises

Putting Purpose Behind Movement: The Benefits of Push-Pull Exercises    If people put more purpose in their workouts, then they may be more inclined to adhere to there fitness routine. The other day I was doing an upper body workout and I noticed how the different upper body exercises can help me understand whether its …