The S.T.E.W. Project:
Simply Taking Emphasis on Wellness

Stressed Mess
Stress Alchemist

Stress Alchemy makes it easy for busy professionals to recover from chronic stress or anxiety so they can create the health, career and life they desire, in 6 months or less. - Even if they lack the time, energy or have been struggling for years!

Stress Alchemy is for people who...

  • Feel overworked, underpaid or like you’re never really getting ahead despite your achievements
  • Want to be healthier and have better relationships, but whenever you try to improve, you feel tired and overwhelmed
  • Feel overworked, underpaid, but stay because you believe your job is important and you’re serving a bigger purpose
  • Feel more worried at work because you’re getting less done and struggling to cope with the pressures of the job.
  • Struggle to find energy despite consuming countless stimulants or energy drinks.
  • Find it hard to make big life decisions due to constant worry about past mistakes or future disappointments.
  • Have constant  aches or pains that never go away making feelings of chronic stress or anxiety worse.
  • Find it difficult to be fully present when in a public settings or around loved ones.
  • Feel uncomfortable or unproductive when they take time to rest and recover. 
  • Try to be happy or successful, but feel like you’re not making any progress.
  • Want to know how to avoid anxiety and manage chronic stress so they can enjoy their job, relationships and life without any limits, even when they retire.

You don't have to live with constant stress.

With simple mindset shifts, proper planning, intuitive guidance and lots of self love, you can turn your greatest stressors into your biggest breakthroughs.

Hi, I'm Amber Stewart. CTNC Mental Health Specialist, Master Life Coach and Stress Alchemist

Master Your Mindset.
Overcome Stress and Anxiety.

Dealing with the chronic stress can negatively affect your job performance, mood, relationships, health and overall life.

Stress Alchemy can help you manage chronic stress and other chronic symptoms in a way that works best for you. Can you imagine creating the life you want while doing the things your enjoy? Stress Alchemy can make this your reality!

What's Included:

Seamless process for mental & emotional freedom

Course Breakdown:

01 Get Your Mind Right

Figure out what stresses you out and what's stopping you from reaching your goals, like in your health, job, relationships, or life. Once you know what's holding you back, you can make a good plan to achieve your goals.

02 Drop the Baggage

After your figure out what you want and what's stopping you, the next step is to get rid of any negative thoughts or feelings. We kick-start this process by showing you how to reset your mind, body, and spirit by making small, lasting lifestyle changes that will have you feel better fast!

03 Build Your FABS Foundation

Once you feel restored and revitalized, you will be ready implement a plan of daily habits that will allow you to maintain those results and continue to feel less stressed, healthier, more confident and more successful despite life's ups and downs!

04 Get The Wheels Rolling

When you're trying to change your habits, there will be problems and things that could stop you but Stress Alchemy will teach you how to expect and deal with those problems so you'll get used to your new habits, and feel more confident. As your build your mental resilience, and learn how to remain consistent but flexible, you'll see your health, mood, and life get better, allowing you to achieve anything you want.

05 The Art of Intuition

Learn to how to align with your intuition (inner guidance) and recognize when it is speaking to you in order to let your abundance flow to you effortlessly.

06 Resource Toolkit

Do you need help with managing your emotions, learning about healthy eating, staying motivated, overcoming self-sabotage, or building healthy communication within your relationships? The Stress Alchemy Resource Toolkit has all the tools you need to fill in any gaps the previous modules may have left behind allowing you to cultivate Stress Alchemy skills in every area of your life.

your body...
Restore your mind

Anti-anxiety medicine targets broken mechanisms in the body and overrides them to bring relief quickly. In contrast, taking the right supplements can correct these dysfunctional mechanisms, leading to a healthier mind and body without any harmful side effects.

waiting to be seen...

Are you tired of using lots of apps and making appointments? The STEW App puts all of your needs in one place making it easier to stay on top of your habits, workouts, and nutrition. It will keep you organized and in control without any added stress.

Stress Alchemy Benefits

do we compare?

First, most personal trainers don’t know how to use exercise to manage anxiety, depression or other metabolic related conditions.

Secondly, most nutritionists and dietitians are not well-trained in using whole foods and key nutrients to improve health and healing through integrative or functional nutrition.

Finally, therapists or counselors cannot keep you accountable or supported to make sure you are doing the work between your sessions with them.

My Stress Alchemy course has everything you need to improve your mental, physical and emotional health, in just one program, while guaranteeing you results!

Are You Ready To be a stress alchemist?

This self paced course comes with:

  • Unlimited access to the Stress Alchemy Course
  • A personalized wellness protocol with 3 months of adjustments
  • 3 months of personalized supplementation
  • The 21 Day Total Body Reset Cleanse
  • Access to the STEW Crew community for added support and accountability
  • 1:1 check-ins via the STEW app for 3 months.
  • Access to the STEW Crew Community for support and accountability
  • Mental M.A.P. testing to pinpoint any stress related nutritional or hormonal imbalances

Subscribe for Continuous Support

This membership comes with monthly:

  • Access to the Stress Alchemy Course
  • Access to the STEW Crew community for support & accountability
  • GI Map testing every 6 months
  • Monthly Group Coaching Session
  • 1:1 Check - ins via the STEW app
  • Access to Group Fitness Classes & Guided Meditations
  • Nutritional Counseling through the STEW App
  • 30% Discount on supplements
  • Option between monthly 30 minute 1:1 coaching, tarot reading or chakra healing session
  • *Bonus* Access to the Nutrition Course Bundle

If you're interested in group coaching without the membership, then We have two stress alchemy coaching programs that offer short term support with long term results:

Are You Ready to maximize your living potential?

This 8 month coaching program is for individuals who have tried therapy and medication, with no success, and offers an alternative approach to help them successfully overcome anxiety and depression while sculpting your body goals in the process. 

STEW Project Tap In to Your Authentic Self

Is it time to Tap in?

This 6 month program helps exhausted, emotionally drained, individuals, who are haunted by the scars of mentally or emotionally abusive relationships, learn how to shine light on, and extinguish, the fears of dark memories so they can reconnect with their true self in order to find happiness again, with themselves, their lives and others. Click to learn more.

Frequently Asked

My Stress Alchemy course addresses your chronic stress from ALL angles including mentally, physically, nutritionally, emotionally and spiritually.

It will show you how to take responsibility for your circumstances so you can have the confidence to create solutions that will bring you your desired outcomes.

This program is different because it puts you in the driver’s seat since you are the expert in your own life! When you realize that and trust your instincts, then you become the creator of your reality. Your stressors will become your secret weapon to unlocking your breakthroughs.

Chronic stress can wreak havoc on your nervous system and adrenals. Receive a library of exercises and stretches that focuses on:

  • Resetting your sympathetic nervous system,
  • Working the stress/anxiety out of the body
  • Reprogramming their mind-body connection.

Have joint pain or physical imbalances? Receive corrective exercise workouts to help bring balance and relief.

You will be able to track your progress through the app and keep the workouts as long as you keep the STEW app activated on your phone. 

Just like my other all inclusive coaching programs, my Stress Alchemy course puts you in control of your transformation.

This course allows you to work at your own pace while addressing your fears or doubts with curiosity so they won’t hold you back  any longer.


The Stress Alchemy course helps you overcome procrastination so you can reduce overwhelm and take action to meet your career, health and life goals.-scared or not!

Stress Alchemy also teaches you:

  • How to stop running from difficult emotions or situations and face them head on. 
  • How to create structure and set boundaries to prevent overwhelm
  • How to prevent future stress by preparing for it. 

Keep in mind you will have the support of the STEW Crew community and your coach through the STEW app and email check-ins.

You are welcome to complete this course as a couple but all the course material will be sent and made available to only one user/email address. 

If you wanted the course content sent to different users, you will have to purchase the course separately.

Not sure if Stress Alchemy
is right for you?

Join my free Stress Alchemist Masterclass and discover how my course helps clients turn their biggest problems into their greatest opportunities. Stay until the end to grab your free exclusive bonuses!