The S.T.E.W. Project:
Simply Taking Emphasis on Wellness

Say Goodbye to your old life...

The Maximize Your Living Potential (MLP) coaching program helps those struggling with anxiety and depression, by incorporating evidence-based techniques into personalized plans, to achieve long-lasting mental wellness.

Our program allows those who haven't found relief through other therapies and medications to finally improve their mental health so they can fully enjoy life on their terms.

A wellness program that addresses it all.

Anxiety and depression isn't something you have to deal with or ignore......Neither is low energy, irritability, weight issues, sleep concerns, digestion problems or other chronic lifestyle conditions.

This program allows you to reduce the amount of doctor visits by addressing your mental and emotional health, digestive issues, chronic health conditions, and even your spiritual health!

is for people who...

  • Are seemingly successful and surrounded by loved ones, but still feel a deep void in life.

  • Serve others to make them happy although nothing or no-one seems to bring you joy.

  • Aren’t just suffering from anxiety or depression but are also struggling with stress along with chronic health issues as well.

  • No amount of rest gives your energy because you have been mentally and physically exhausted for so long.

  • You have been told by doctors or therapists that medication is your best option although it doesn’t even help. 

  • You yearn for a mental, physical and spiritual upgrade.

  • Wish to look as good as you feel and feel in control of your health and life

  • Constantly tell yourself, “This is not who I want to be” but has no idea how to shift into the person of your dreams.

  • You are ready to put all bullshit aside and make drastic changes because you just can’t take it anymore.

Don't doubt your capabilities, doubt your methods.
MLP allows you to experience personal growth in all areas of your life!

In 8 months you could be able to...

  • Enjoy days without being bombarded with racing thoughts of fear, worry or hopelessness and not feel like you have to wear a mask to conceal your true emotions.

  • Feel in control of your overall health and life after learning how to resolve any physical, mental and spiritual symptoms of anxiety, depression as well as other chronic conditions you may have.

  • Trust yourself more while having the energy and confidence to go after your dream life without feeling guilty or afraid.

  • Find comfort and security within yourself when people or circumstances in your life are changing.

  • Look in the mirror and love what you see while being unaffected by what anyone says about you.

And the best part? You will…

  • Move ahead confidently because you have the knowledge and skills to stop anxiety and depression from coming back.
  • Forget about the dark times you suffered due to experiencing the overflow of joy in the present moment.

  • Be gentle with yourself as you navigate roadblocks so you can bounce back after mistakes instead of giving up.

  • Start to experience relief in as little as two weeks!

  • Make these changes in a way that feels good to you every single day!

Move forward confidently knowing that you have the knowledge and skills necessary to prevent anxiety and depression from returning.

Seamless process. Soul Elevating Results.

Overcome Anxiety and Depression as Simple as 1, 2, 3, 4...

01 Get Your Mind Right

Get a clear vision of how you want to live, work and show up in the world.

Pinpoint everything in your life that is contributing to your anxiety and depression including any habits, people or places that are keeping you from truly being happy.

Make note of what you want to improve, as well as the best way for you to make those improvements according to your lifestyle and preferences.

02 Drop the Baggage

Microglial cell dysfunction, neuroinflammation, and excitotoxicity are all common underlying themes of mental health illnesses which is why we include Mental M.A.P.™ testing to pinpoint whether it is the functionality of your biochemistry that is making it hard for you to fully recover.

In addition, since gut health plays a huge role in mental health issues, we also offer G.I. Map™ testing to assess your gut physiology and GI health.

03 Build Your FABS Foundation

Because chronic anxiety and depression is often times just a byproduct of a metabolic dysfunction, we focus on managing your metabolic health while nurturing your microbiome to ensure your organ/bodily systems are functioning properly and warding off infection.

To do this, we use food and movement as medicine to alter any self-destructing lifestyle habits while respecting your personal interests and preferences.

04 Get The Wheels Rolling

We will meet bi-weekly to coach you through the transformation journey using CBT, REBT or DBT, so you can master your mindset and get it to serve you. Weekly check-ins will be held via the STEW app for extra support and accountability.

Follow up testing will be done throughout the program to track progress and to determine what adjustments need to be made.

Receive the Benefits of working with a mental health Coach, nutritionist & Fitness expert in one program!

Learn all of the benefits you'll gain with the MLP coaching program !
Overcome anxiety and depression and save so much
MLP Anxiety and Depression Support
MLP Anxiety and Depression Physical Nourishment
Anxiety and Depression Mental Map 2.0 test
If your doctor tells you your bloodwork looks normal, but you suffer daily with anxiety and depression, then you need The Mental M.A.P.™ to assess root physiology. Now offering the Mental M.A.P. and GI M.A.P. testing panel to pinpoint all the potential mental and physical health imbalances that are contributing to your anxiety or depression!

do we compare?

First, most personal trainers don’t know how to use exercise to manage anxiety, depression or other metabolic related conditions.

Secondly, most nutritionists and dietitians are not well-trained in using whole foods and key nutrients to improve health and healing through integrative or functional nutrition.

Finally, therapists or counselors cannot keep you accountable or supported to make sure you are doing the work between your sessions with them.

My MLP coaching program has everything you need to improve your mental, physical and emotional health, in just one program, while guaranteeing you results!

MLP Anxiety and Depression Exchange Rate Chart

1:1 Coaching

This 8 month all-inclusive coaching program includes:

60 minute 1:1 coaching calls which will be held bi-weekly

15 minute check-ins on the alternating weeks via the STEW app

Personalized wellness protocols and exercise prescription to restore any imbalances

Access to the Stress Alchemy Course to rewire your brain for peak mental & emotional performance

Lab testing with follow ups throughout the program.

Now offering the option to receive 30 minute 1:1 Spiritual healing sessions that are personalized towards your beliefs so you can become your authentic self.

Receive 5 star treatment and support to help you you achieve in months what you have been trying to accomplish for years. No guesswork, gimmicks or hidden fees.

Monthly payment plans are available but save $1,500 when you pay in full.

Group Coaching

This M.L.P. Group coaching includes 8 months of:

75 minute bi-weekly intimate group coaching sessions with no more than 5 members per cohort.

15 minute 1:1 check ins on alternating weeks via the STEW app

Personalized wellness protocols and exercise prescriptions to restore any imbalances

Access to the Stress Alchemy Course to rewire your brain for peak mental and emotional performance

Lab testing with follow up testing

Option to receive 1:1 Spiritual healing sessions personalized towards your beliefs so you can become your authentic self.

Receive 5 star treatment as well as the support of an accepting community as you achieve the life of your dreams in a body you love.

Monthly payment plans are available but save $503 when you pay in full.

Sign up below to get the full breakdown of how the MLP coaching program works

Frequently Asked

Although evidence-based therapy and coaching have many things in common, ultimately they are not the same. The MLP coaching program uses some of the same tools that therapists use to help clients unlock mental blocks but this program is not for everyone. It is best suited for individuals who:

  • Suffer from long term high functioning anxiety and depression
  • Have tried therapy and medication with no success in achieving relief
  • May not need to do a lot of introspective work but may benefit in learning how to recognize triggers in order to reprogram limiting core beliefs
  • Are looking to get more out life and are ready to make the concrete changes in their health, habits and life in order to find their way back to happiness
  • Have gotten tested by doctors who said that everything came back fine despite not feeling well.

Ultimately, the MLP coaching program is for people who are able to recognize that it may not be your circumstances that are making you feel bad, but the pain you’re feeling is actually living inside of you despite taking medication or seeking therapy.

Also, if you’re hoping to work on yourself,  grow, and make positive changes in your life, your health, your relationship or your career, then the MLP coaching program is perfect for you.

My All Inclusive Programs are different and ensures success because:

  • The put the client in control of their transformation process instead of forcing them to do things before they are ready

  • We use scientifically proven methods to holistically get to the root cause of their issues.

  • We assess their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health to get to the root cause of their stress, anxiety or depression issues since most mental health issues are complex and require multiple components to overcome.

  • We look at the body as a whole and use a structured process to help clients resolve their joint pain and physical imbalances. We also prioritize proper alignment and body mechanics when introducing new workouts and exercises to ensure that clients reach their body goals without pain, or ignoring proper form.

  • We only give clients supplemental support after recognizing which imbalances they have and which supplements work best for their preferences and lifestyle.

  • We offer supplementation from Designs for Health which is the #1 rated healthcare practitioner brand based on consumer satisfaction which will ensure results without addiction or relapses. 


  • Our coaching style is catered to our clients preferred learning style so that they will be able to shift their perspective, heal from old wounds and make the desired transformation while feeling empowered and supported.

I have yet to find another program on the market that is able to help you reach your fitness and health goals while improving your mental health and spiritual health (your relationships) at the same time without making you feel overwhelmed or frustrated during the process. 

Because of my expertise in corrective exercise, I know how to help clients resolve physical limitations and imbalances by looking at their body as a whole to determine when the main issues are stemming from and what lifestyle and dietary habits are contributing to them.

Because of my expertise as a CTNC Mental Wellness Coach, I know how to help my clients improve their dietary habits to nourish their body to restore their bodily systems, without having them eat foods they dislike or conform to diets that don’t fit their lifestyle.

Because of my knowledge of a Master Life Coach, I am able to get to the root cause of what is keeping you stuck to help you find the motivation, resources, self-esteem, self-worth and self-efficacy necessary to reach your health and life goals.

Whether your issues are mental, physical or emotional, I can help you overcome them so you can live the life that you want.

During the first month of the program we will schedule an in depth fitness assessment that includes a verbal assessment where we discuss:

  • Your body goals, issues and concerns

  • Your personal exercise  preferences and time available to  commit to your fitness goals
  • Methods that you have used in the past and whether they worked

  • Which lifestyle or dietary habits may be contributing to  joint pain or physical discomfort

  • Your available space and equipment to complete the necessary exercise homework

In addition to the verbal assessment, there will be a physical assessment where we will examine the body, from toe to head, making note to any postural deviations that could be causing you joint pain or physical imbalances. 

Once complete, I will create a personalized workout plan for you that includes detailed instructions including videos, notes and sets/reps all through the STEW app. 


If you have any questions or confusion about any exercises, you are able to message me or leave notes on the workouts in order for me to adjust.


You will be able to track you progress through the app and keep the workouts as long as you keep the STEW app activated on your phone. 

When clients first sign up they will be required to complete the Transformational Nutrition Health Assessment Intake Form that includes a section called the Symptom Tracker (ST). The ST is divided into groups based on areas of the body and health conditions. Each symptom is numbered to help me easily determine potential causes of my client’s health conditions as well as protocols that will provide options for my client to choose from that will help them overcome their symptoms. The ST was created by studying the needs of the body, how various nutrients fulfill these needs and where these nutrients are found in the food supply.

Once I analyze your results in the ST, I send you a follow up email with a Symptom Matrices questionnaire to verify that your symptoms are indeed coming from the hypothesized source. You will also submit your previous test results from past doctor visits to efficiently and effectively problems solve and begin to get to the root cause of your health concerns.

Once all of that information is submitted, we will schedule a 1:1 to discuss the assessment results, along with your goals, dietary preferences, lifestyle habits, eating habits and protocol suggestions to determine a nutrition plan that will work best for you.

If necessary, we will run diagnostic tests to determine if you indeed have issues such as leaky gut, hormonal imbalances, or adrenal fatigue at no additional cost to you.

Clients will undergo a Holistic Nutritional 10 Day Reset Cleanse while I create their personalized nutritional plan and upload it to their app settings. We will meet in either a group or 1:1 session to prepare you for the reset cleanse and I will guide you through all the components of the cleanse and to answer any questions that that you may have.

Clients will be able to log their meals into the app to make sure they are sticking to the plan and to ask questions or comments when necessary. Once the cleanse is complete, Clients will be able to access their personalized meal plans in their STEW app and will also receive dietary supplementation (if needed) at no additional cost to you.

Using movement and food as medicine should always be top priority because a lot of the mental health conditions people suffer from is just a byproduct of a metabolic dysfunction.

People who turn to conventional methods to resolve their anxiety, depression or ADHD have trouble seeing long term improvements with their conditions simply because the conventional psychiatric model is not well equipped to handle a mental health crisis being primarily driven by a metabolic health crisis.

This is why taking a metabolic approach to your mental health is so crucial and why The STEW Project incorporates nutrition and exercise components into our wellness programs. The best way to overcome any chronic condition is to take a mind, body spirit approach simply because these conditions affects all of these areas and ignoring one component will leave you susceptible to a relapse.

Reducing overwhelm and anxiety is the main goal of the MLP program which is why the most time consuming portion of this program will be within the first 2 weeks which will require you to fill out all of the on-boarding documents and complete the fitness assessments (which really isn’t that time consuming). Everything else will work around your schedule.

If time is an issue, we will work together to brainstorm ways to prioritize time for self care and to lett go of things that no longer serve you on your wellness journey.

The MLP program (and all of my programs) are more focused on helping you take action that will ensure transformation instead of overloading you with information or homework.

You already have the answers inside of you and we will work together to bring them out. If you need any clarity on any topic or are starting to feel frustrated or overwhelmed, then I will be right there to offer you support, resources and guidance.

If you wanted to do the coaching program with a spouse, sibling, relative or friend but don’t want to do the group coaching, I do offer partner coaching which will take 30% off the 1:1 coaching price (if you pay in full) or takes 10% off the monthly installments for each partner.

Both parties will have to come to eaching coaching session and the option to create partner workouts is available when you choose this option.

Still Not sure
if MLP coaching is right for you?

Click here to learn why M.L.P is the best program to help you overcome anxiety and depression: