The S.T.E.W. Project:
Simply Taking Emphasis on Wellness

“The groundwork for all happiness is good health.”

The STEW Project offers online wellness services and resources that make it easy for individuals to reduce their stress, reverse chronic health conditions or manage mental health concerns, so they can enjoy fulfilling lives without adding more to their plate. Are you ready?

Personalized Treatment You have been searching for...

Proven Methodology

The STEW Project uses a simple, yet powerful wellness model that makes it easy for people to improve their overall health, and life, using modern-day concepts, including holistic psychology, functional medicine epigenetics, nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics.

Mental Health Coach

Work with someone who spent the past 11 years learning the link between mind, body and spirit in order to help anyone suffering from chronic mental and/or physical health conditions improve their health on their terms and in a way that fits their lifestyle and preferences!

Flexible & Convenient

No more worrying about scheduling conflicts or commuting issues. Our flexible options meets all of your wellness needs without any added stress.

Smart Investment

Receive short term support with long term results . Our online wellness services offer high quality personalized care that will benefit you for a lifetime.

Online Wellness Services
At Your Convenience

Stress Less with Coaching

Work with a certified mental health coach either 1:1 or group coaching, and learn how to heal old wounds, break bad habits, create mental breakthroughs and rewire new neurological pathways so you can overcome trauma and self sabotaging habits for good. Improve your mental health and watch your physical health, career and relationships improve in the process!

No Fuss Nutritional Guidance

Your overall health and wellbeing is closely linked to your gut health which is dependent on the type of foods that you eat as well as your stress levels. Our nutritionist services and courses will teach you how to eat so you can eat whatever you want, while reducing stress/anxiety in the process.

See how quickly your mood improves after implementing an effective plan that fits your lifestyle and appeals to your taste buds.

Frustration Free Workouts

The older you get, the easier it is for you to develop unhealthy habits to suppress your emotions. Since exercise has been shown to improve mood, reduce inflammation and balance hormones we offer personalized workouts from a certified exercise physiologist to build better habits while improving your mental, physical and emotional health.

High Quality Supplements

Researchers have shown that when coupled with lifestyle and dietary changes, certain supplements can help treat various chronic health conditions. This is important because when it comes to mental health conditions, only about half of patients respond to antidepressants, and fewer than 30% experience total remission.

Fortunately, The STEW Project can help you develop a personalized lifestyle and supplemental plan to help you improve your mood and overall health in as little as 2 weeks!

Trusted Partners

We partnered with some of the best in the wellness industry to offer you quality support you through your wellness journey:

Join the list of
Satisfied Clients

"So I came in with a sore shoulder and left thinking that it was going to REALLY hurt, but I woke up the next morning and it felt great. I was amazed!"
"Amber is one of the best trainers I have encountered and has completely turned my life around!"
"This is the first time in a long time that I truly felt happy. I have tried to do some of the habits before and never really got results. But now that I learned how to put it all together, (nutrition, fitness, mental health and spirituality) I can definitely tell a difference!"
"Once I saw how easy it was to see results it was easy to maintain!"
"The STEW Project's online training program allowed me to drop a total of 9lbs, lose 2 inches in my hips, as well as drop 1& 1/2 inches in my waist and arms - all in 6 weeks!"

If you are looking to invest in wellness services that will:

  • Help you lose stubborn fat and chronic pain  
  • Reduce your need for medication to manage chronic conditions
  • Allow you to finally reduce symptoms of chronic stress, anxiety or depression
  • Restores your confidence, self-esteem and self-worth
  • Make it easier to focus and be productive at work.

Then click below to get started:

Read my latest Blogs:

The Chakras and Endocrine System: The Body- Spirit Connection

The Chakras and Endocrine System: The Body- Spirit Connection The endocrine system is a complex network of glands that produce hormones, which are chemical messengers that regulate various bodily functions. The chakras are energy centers located along the spine that are said to be responsible for different aspects of our physical, mental, and spiritual health.

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Affirmations: A Powerful Tool for Self-Improvement

Affirmations: A Powerful Tool for Self-Improvement Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself, often in the form of a mantra. They can be used to change your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. There is a lot of scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of affirmations. Studies have shown that affirmations can: Improve your mood

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