How to use the law of attraction to manifest miracles

I know it may be difficult to understand this concept for some who think spirituality and manifestation is a bunch of mumbo jumbo, but the law of attraction is real and your words and your thoughts do have power (and you can manifest miracles)! It took me a minute to understand this concept but once I started to study and understand the law of attraction and coupled that knowledge with my spiritual knowledge, then I was able to deepen my faith, take more risks and see more miracles flow into my life.
Coming from a strong southern baptist background growing up, my family shunned the idea of using anything other that the bible to strengthen your faith but I soon found out that understanding the Law of Attraction is another way to strengthen your faith in your ‘Power Source’ or Creator. Because once you understand your connection to your Power Source, then you will understand how to increase and weaken your connection with your Power Source.
If you have studied anything about the law of attraction then you know that there is this underlying thought that every human being is connected to unlimited potential. This potential refers to the possibility of your future success, abundance and opportunities. We are all divine beings, pure potential manifested in human form.
In this blog post, I will explain how the Law of Attraction works and how to use it to your advantage.
Law of Attraction: Spiritual Explanation

From a spirituality standpoint, like attract likes, so what you focus on will become your reality as long as you are open and receptive to the universe (or God) bringing it to you under grace and in perfect ways.
Blessings and breakthroughs are always trying to find your way to you because they are your divine birthright. So the idea isn’t about creating miracles, but more so about aligning yourself with the miracles that are already scheduled to reach you. According to the Law of Attraction, the only limit you have in this life is you. You can only manifest that which you can perceive to be true for yourself. It has to be true in your mind before it can manifest in your waking life. If it is right for you then it will manifest.
Now, if you are a very religious person then hopefully these ideas remind you of the the scriptures in the bible that read, “According to thy faith, be it unto you.” or “Your faith has made you well”. There is a lot of discrepancy out there that likes to argue that the Law of Attraction and believing in religion are contradictory but hopefully this blog will prove otherwise. Regardless if you believe in one or the other, both practices urge you to master your mind and listen to your spiritual needs in order to tap into abundance and success.
Law of Attraction: Scientific Explanation

If you don’t believe in religion or spiritual practices then the scientific approach to understand this law is:
-Your subconscious records all information which in turn sculpts your core beliefs.
-Your core beliefs effects how you perceive the world and how you interact with it.
-Which in turn affects your reality and what you allow or prevent from materializing in your world.
If you really want to delve deep into the scientific approach to manifesting, then I highly suggest you read Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself since it goes into detail about the quantum mechanics/ quantum physics aspects of manifesting.
What Really Matters When It Comes to Manifesting…
Regardless of how you look at it, Manifesting is all about mindset and the emotional state that allow yourself to be in. Poor management in these are often times what allows us to self-sabotage blessings and breakthroughs from blooming in our lives.
You can choose to believe that there are forces beyond what you see that work on your behalf. Or you can choose to believe that these are mental blocks or subconscious beliefs that are holding you back from manifesting your ideal life. Regardless of what you believe, it all boils down to your beliefs, emotions and the choices that come from them.
Covering mindset blocks and helping clients understand how they are influencing the law of attraction in their lives is one of the ways that I help my clients in my all inclusive programs which is why they are so successful in reaching their health, and ultimately life, goals. For more information about my coaching services, click here.
Manifestation in 5 Steps
Alright! So enough explaining, how does manifestation actually work? I’m no expert in manifesting per se, but I have successfully manifested jobs, cars, boyfriends, clients, money and everything in between.
I’m sure you have manifested things as well. If you have ever said something under your breath like, ‘Man I wish I had a cup of coffee.’ and then a coworker walks in with a cup of coffee for you, then you my friend have experienced the power of manifestation. I know you may think to yourself that it was a coincidence or that things like that happen to you all the time but make no mistake, manifesting miracles is supposed to be normal. We have just been conditioned to think otherwise.
So how do you go about being intentional with your manifestations? Well there’s a lot of different techniques out there but essentially, manifestation works in 5 easy steps:
- Establish your interest in the thing that you desire.
- Develop a clear image in your mind how it will fit in your life.
- Anchor that vision to the emotions you want associated with your desire.
- Give gratitude for the object you desire and for what you currently have.
- Release and surrender (gently let go of your desire and and interest you may hold). Remember you have to release your need to have this particular thing you desire in order to allow the synchronicity to align.
I know the first 2 steps are pretty easy to do but the last two steps can be pretty difficult especially if you are desperately trying to manifest money to get out of debt or manifest something that you have been obsessing over.
Showing gratitude can be difficult if you have been in an uncomfortable or frustrating situation for a long time and have yet to find your breakthrough.
I know I had some trouble with the 4th step, Release and Surrender, due to my obsession with being a control freak. Luckily, with continued practice, my faith grew in my Creator and knowing that He ultimately supported me has allowed many last minute miracles to manifest in my life.
Affirmations can be a powerful tool for manifesting miracles into your life. By using affirmations, you can change your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. You can also increase your self-esteem, boost your confidence, and achieve your goals. If you are looking to make positive changes in your life, give affirmations a try. If you are interested to learn more about the benefits of affirmations and how to use them to manifest miracles, check out this blog post
What if You Want to Manifest Financial Abundance?
I know we may have all been at a point in our lives where we wished we were able to manifest the ideal bank account (If not then lucky you!). So I’m sure you may have been asking can this 4 step formula work for finances? Well if its money that you are trying to manifest then I suggest that you follow a different plan.
I read a wonderful manifestation book (and I’ve read a lot!) by Denise Duffield-Thomas called Get Rich, Lucky B!tch and she offered this 5- Step process:
- Declutter everything out of your life
- Decide exactly what you want
- Surround your life with positivity
- Take inspired action
- Receive and Fine tune
Now in the book it says that you can manifest anything but for the sake of this blog (and since her book was about manifesting money and financial abundance) I’m going to say that it would be best to use it for money. The extra step in this manifestation process is probably necessary to help you overcome money blocks which can be difficult to overcome (well it was for me!). The book is very good. If you want to learn more information about it then click here.
Building your faith in your Power Source and mastering the Law of Attraction is one of the topics that I cover in my Stress Alchemy which allows my clients to reduce their stress and anxiety while sculpting their body goals in the process. This course has been able to help clients not only reduce their stress, anxiety and chronic health conditions, but it also helped them manifest the life of their dreams.
I know one course member was able to go from fighting anxiety and struggling to secure a job, to having a list of job offers to choose from. – all of which paid more than her last job! If you are interested to learn more about my Stress Alchemy course then click here. I hope this helps!
In Good Health,
Amber Stewart BS,
Holistic Nutritionist
Certified Master Life Coach
ACSM Exercise Physiologist,
CTNC Mental Health Specialist
TBMM Corrective Exercise Specialist

Hi! My name is Amber and I’m a Body Goals Builder, Master Life Coach, Certified Health Coach, CTNC Mental Health Specialist, Stress Alchemist & Fear Conqueror
I used to be a people pleasing, work-a-holic who stressed herself out to climb the wellness industry’s corporate ladder, while obsessing over her self image. I soon realized that none of it mattered if I wasn’t happy with myself, inside and out, and surrounded around people who loved and respected me.
I now help individuals who are stressed out, out of shape and struggling to find balance in their lives learn how to ease their worries, improve their health, create 10x more joy in their lives and manifest the life of their dreams. At the STEW Project, we are maximizing our living potential by Simply Taking an Emphasis on Wellness.
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[…] out over situations that has already happened or have yet to manifest actually keeps your desired outcome from coming into fruition. You have to remember that you are […]