Common mistakes that keep people struggling with chronic stress and anxiety

After their best efforts to eat healthy, exercise and practice self-care, some individuals may still experience feelings of stress or anxiety regardless of how many changes they try to implement. Now in some cases, it may be due to them following the wrong advice or trying to cut corners to find solutions, but in other cases the chronic stress or anxiety may be stemming from a spiritual roots. If you have been struggling to overcome chronic stress or anxiety despite your best efforts, then keep reading to learn simple mistakes that can keep us from enjoying a peaceful, stress-less life.
Not all stressors are created equal…
While stress can be challenging and affect different aspects of our lives, it is essential to understand that it can also be a catalyst for personal growth and transformation. I can recall a time when I went through a spiritual awakening and I thought I was suffering from neuroinflammation but I was actually experiencing a spiritual awakening. Spiritual awakenings can cause a variety of physical, mental and emotional symptoms such as:
- Fatigue and needing more sleep: The body needs to adjust to a higher frequency
- Aches and pains: Pain results from holding energy that doesn’t represent the authentic self
- Forgetting and memory loss: Activating the right brain can temporarily impair memory
- Tingling at the crown of the head: A sign that the crown chakra is opening.
- Thinking of past events: Deep shifts occur that stir up old memories, including loss, grief, and abuse
- Weight fluctuations: Transformation unearths suppressed fears, and people may attempt to ground themselves with food.
- Strange cravings: Changes in eating habits help support the body, mind, and spirit during this time of transformation
- Increased sensitivity: Senses are amplified
- Skin eruptions: Skin may be expressing suppressed emotions and unresolved traumas
- Pain/digestive issues: A sign of inner turmoil and change.
- Looking and feeling younger: A product of releasing limiting beliefs
There are plenty other symptoms of a spiritual awakening that you can read about if you click here. Now let’s get into the good stuff! Here are the common mistakes that keep people struggling with chronic stress and anxiety.
Mistake #1: You didn’t do the work to regulate your imbalanced nervous system
Sure you may do the mental work to heal old wounds, but your body has to release that trauma as well. Unresolved trauma has a way of storing itself in the body and DIS-REGULATING the nervous system in the process. To truly overcome chronic stress/anxiety that has long lasting results with no side effects, you really need to take a mind, body and spirit approach to your mental health journey.
Mistake #2 Your exercise routine may be great for weight loss, but horrible for your mental health…
Exercising too frequently or too hard can be COUNTER-INTUITIVE and actually make your body feel more symptoms of chronic stress/anxiety than it would if you didn’t diet or exercise. On the flip side, living a sedentary life can also exacerbate symptoms of chronic stress/anxiety.
Mistake #3 Your diet may be popular with great reviews, but horrible for your mental health…
sure that diet may help you lose 30 pounds in ten days (which is super unhealthy and unrealistic btw), but it might not give your body the right nutrients it needs to function properly. You have to get out of the mindset of “let me follow what other people do to get in shape.” and shift into the mindset of, “What does my body need in order for me to be mentally, physically and emotionally well.” you will be surprised how restoring any nutritional imbalances can have a positive effect on your mood and mental health.
Mistake #4 Your mindset isn’t aligning with your actions…
If you are doing the work but doubting the process, then your results will never come. If you have the faith but lack the follow through, then your results will never come. You need to make sure that your mindset and your actions match to manifest anything in your life.
Mistake #5 Your chronic stress/anxiety is a result of you not following your intuition
Resisting your intuitive leads can bring on feelings of stress or anxiety simply because what you are being guided to do, contradicts what your past trauma or limiting beliefs tell you what’s possible. This may also be why your intuition is guiding you to do it… so you can prove your fears wrong #FearConqueror
If you have difficulty shifting into healthier habits that will help you strengthen your intuition while reducing your worry, then my Healthier Happier Challenge can help you get dialed in on your goals so you can stop being stuck, take action, and live the life that you desire. Just visit the Freebies & Quizzes page for more details.
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In Good Health,
Amber Stewart, BS
Holistic Nutritionist
Certified Master Life Coach
ACSM Exercise Physiologist
CTNC Mental Health Specialist