How to Manage Stress & Anxiety with the Transformational Touch Technique

 When people are looking for ways to manage stress and anxiety, their main concern is how to make these uncomfortable feelings that accompanies these mood imbalances stop. But the only way to make the feelings and physical symptoms of stress and anxiety end, is to understand why they are happening in the first place. 

When we experience powerful emotions like fear, anger, sadness, anxiety, rage, or panic, it’s our body signaling to our mind that it’s trying to protect us from danger. It’s trying to help us survive. The mind can then begin to explore options on how to move the body to protect it. That might include things like running, hiding, or anything that’s physically engaging.

While this is a normal response and completely healthy, it can become unhealthy and unproductive when we are thrown into fight-or-flight mode frequently. In today’s world, this happens often. Most of us live our lives in this constant state of trying to survive and protect ourselves. In doing so, we lose the ability to think clearly, be creative, and respond in a positive way that moves us forward.

The Transformational Touch Technique is intended for individuals who are constantly in survival mode. This technique will save you from your overwhelming and stressful thoughts. It can help provide a sense of calm, peace, and clarity for your when your sympathetic nervous system engages and you find yourself swarming in a pit of emotions that you just want to run away from.

Using only your hands, you can signal to your brain that it’s safe, protected, and not alone. When this happens, your brain will release neurochemicals including serotonin, oxytocin, and GABA (all “feel good” chemicals), so that you can calm down, relax and be able to make logical decisions in the midst of chaos.

The Transformational Touch Technique involves focusing on three areas of the body

  • The face
  • The hands
  • The upper arms

​Here’s how it works

  • Step 1: Close your eyes and place your left hand on your right shoulder and your right hand on your left shoulder. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, slide your hands – gently but firmly – down your arms to your elbows. Go at a speed and pressure that feels good to you. When you reach your elbows, take a deep breath in and as you exhale, gently but firmly squeeze your arms around you. Repeat this step five times. Take your time and focus on the process.
  • Step 2: Place your hands together in front of your chest. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, rub your palms together in a circular motion using a pressure that feels comforting to you. When you’re ready to inhale, stop the motion and press your hands together, using a pressure that feels soothing to you, and take a deep breath in. As you exhale, repeat rubbing your palms together in a circular motion. Repeat this step five times. Take your time and focus only on the process.
  • Step 3: Place your right hand on the right side of your face and your left hand on the left side of your face, like you’re playing peekaboo with a child. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, slowly and gently, applying a pressure that feels comforting to you, slide your fingers down your face on both sides until your fingertips reach your chin. Return to your starting position, take a deep breath in, and repeat this process five times. Take your time and focus only on the process.
  • Step 4: Once you’ve finished Step 3, take a deep breath in and as you exhale, shake out your
    arms starting at your shoulders and moving all the way down to your fingertips to help your
    body release any tension, stress, or trauma it may have experienced. Take one last deep
    breath in and as you exhale, slowly open your eyes and return to the present moment.


If you are still focused on the thoughts or the event that preceded the emotion, add another component to this exercise. Count backwards from 10 each time you perform a stroking movement. This will serve to distract your mind and allow it to refocus on the new feelings and emotions that this exercise provides.


Please allow yourself time to re-center and refocus on the present moment before driving a car or operating heavy machinery. Simply sitting and being in the moment for a few minutes should suffice.

Once you walk yourself through this exercise, you should be able to focus, with a clear mind, for practical steps moving forward to handle your situation.

Watch the video below for more insight on how to perform the Transformational Touch Technique.

If you need support learning how to cope with stress then let me know. I offer a variety of services and freebies to help you learn how to turn your biggest stressors into your greatest breakthroughs without the confusion or frustration of trying to do it on your own. I hope this helps.

In Good Health,
Amber Stew BS,
Holistic Nutritionist
Certified Master Life Coach
ACSM Exercise Physiologist,
CTNC Mental Health Specialist
TBMM Corrective Exercise Specialist


Amber Stewart CTNC Mental Health Coach

Hi! My name is Amber and I’m a Body Goals Builder, Master Life Coach, Certified Health Coach, CTNC Mental Health Specialist, Stress Alchemist & Fear Conqueror

I used to be a people pleasing, work-a-holic who stressed herself out to climb the wellness industry’s corporate ladder, while obsessing over her self image. I soon realized that none of it mattered if I wasn’t happy with myself, inside and out,  and surrounded around people who loved and respected me.

I now help individuals who are stressed out, out of shape and struggling to find balance in their lives learn how to ease their worries, improve their health, create 10x more joy in their lives and manifest the life of their dreams. At the STEW Project, we are maximizing our living potential by Simply Taking an Emphasis on Wellness.

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