How to Overcome stressful situations in 4 steps

People do crazy things when they try to overcome stressful situations. They may ball their fists up and punch a wall, they may literally pull their hair out; hide under the covers with the hopes to hide from the world; they may binge drink or eat in hopes that an extra consumption of calories will solve their problems; and if all else fails, they will faithfully drop to their knees and pray for a resolution or miracle.

There are a bunch of routes people can take to cope with the stresses of life but here’s the thing, people will call out their problems and magnify them before they call out what they really want and take action to move towards that change.

A lot of times, they don’t really know what they want, they just know that they don’t want to be in that stressful situation anymore. But that attitude is not going to fix anything! The only way to fix a situation is to plan to fix the issue. If all you are doing is complaining about the situation, then more complaints will come. Even God said Faith without WORK is dead… God said that… not me *throws hands up*.

   I have been a personal trainer for over 8 years and I have about  6 years of experience managing a fitness company. So trust me when I say, I know how to solve problems lol. My last job title before I became a Health Coach was an Operations Manager meaning that I thrived on making things operate. My brain has always thrived on order and having things function smoothly. So naturally I always try to create order out of chaos.

I remember when I first moved to San Francisco, I was in my assistant manager position and I worked with the CEO of the company to link all of the computers together wireless; had our IT team create a shared drive for the team to share documents; I updated all of the outdated documents and set up the extra room so that it could help future members sign up with privacy. I did that in 2 weeks ya’ll. 2 weeks. It was stressful to do, but it was more stressful being unorganized, outdated and inefficient.

So out of my experience of finding problems (be it fitness problems, nutritional problems, emotional or business problems), I have learned that there is only real way to overcome the stress of solving our issues. Its really not that hard and only takes 4 steps: It may take time to fully master but trust me, your life will flow so much better when you use them.

4 Steps to Overcome Stressful Situations:

Step One:

Stop: The only way to get out of a stressful situation is to first get in a calm state and then analyze the situation. Rhonda Byrne, author of The Secret, says, “If you are complaining about things in your life, you are on the complaining frequency, and you are not in a position to attract what you want.’ If you think about it, when you are stressed, your body is too deep in ‘fight or flight’ mode that you aren’t able to make the best cognitive decisions. How many times does the victim run in the right direction when the killer is chasing them in a horror movie??? Now how many victims, are able to regroup and seek revenge once they get out of that stressful situation of being chased?? You catching my drift…?

Take some time to calm down and look at your situation objectively. What is working and what is starting to cause the problems?

Step Two:

Speak: I found that its very difficult to follow through with the next steps in this process unless you actually speak your plan out loud, say a prayer, or at least write it down. Romans 4:17 tells you to “call those things that be not, as though they were”. The Law of Attraction always tells you to speak things into existence. I believe this step is one of the most important because when you are verbalizing or writing something down, you are putting it out into the universe and you are making known your desires. Once we do this, our brain will subconsciously try to make pathways for us to reach our goal. We will be open and more receptive to opportunities that we may have not noticed previously, because we are consciously aware of the change we are looking for. Its a similar idea to repeating a shopping list out loud to remember it instead of writing it down.

Step Three:

Plan: Now that you know what is bothering you, what are you going to do about it? What are you options? What are your resources? Which options are best for this particular situation? You can’t get out of your situation unless you make a plan. Even if you don’t have a plan to get out of your situation, at least come up with a plan to help you cope with the situation. If you know that your situation has an end date this should ease some of your anxiety because you know that it won’t last forever. If it is something that has no end date, like recovering from a near fatal car accident, you need to find a way to come to terms with them situation. Remember stress is simply our interpretation about a situation. We have the choice to choose a different reaction.  Sometimes changing your perception about your situation can open doors to help you find solutions. 

Step Four:

Act: Now that we know what we want and we have a plan to get there, we have to ACT! Even in the bible, it says faith without works is dead. And if you think Almighty God is going to come down to physically pick you up and place you in a magically better situation, you haven’t been reading the right scriptures lol. He will ALWAYS give you strength and opportunities to achieve your goals if they are aligned with your highest good but He will never do it for you. You must act!

I hope this article helps you take some stress out of your life. If stress is keeping you from your goals and you need assistance, then watch my free Stress Alchemist webinar to learn how I help clients manage their stress, improve their health and manifest the life of their dreams then click here.

If you are struggling with deciding on what you want out of a particular situation then feel free to contact me for a free discovery call or click on the following free resources below to help you:

Change Your Perspective or To decide what you are really HUNGRY for. I hope this helps

In Good Health,

Amber Stewart

Amber Stewart CTNC Mental Health Coach

Hi! My name is Amber and I’m a Body Goals Builder, Master Life Coach, Certified Health Coach, CTNC Mental Health Specialist, Stress Alchemist & Fear Conqueror

I used to be a people pleasing, work-a-holic who stressed herself out to climb the wellness industry’s corporate ladder, while obsessing over her self image. I soon realized that none of it mattered if I wasn’t happy with myself, inside and out,  and surrounded around people who loved and respected me.

I now help individuals who are stressed out, out of shape and struggling to find balance in their lives learn how to ease their worries, improve their health, create 10x more joy in their lives and manifest the life of their dreams. At the STEW Project, we are maximizing our living potential by Simply Taking an Emphasis on Wellness.

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