Stress Busters: Learn to Manage Stress in 10 Steps

How to Manage Stress in 10 Steps

Looking for tips to manage stress? If you have been trying for months or even years to manage stress but still find yourself feeling overwhelmed, exhausted or burnt out at the end of the day, then you may want to read this article before your stress turns to anxiety or depression which is what happened to me.

Stress can be defined as a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. One cause of stress is the constant need to do, to perform, or to be successful. It may arise from demanding circumstances. In our current society, many people feel that they have way too much on their plates with too little time to do it.

Did you know that some stress is actually beneficial, serving to boost the immune system and overall productivity?

That’s right – acute, short-term stress actually helps people lead healthier, more successful lives, especially when they problem-solve and innovate to overcome the stressor. Imagine a life complete devoid of stress and challenge – there would be no opportunity for personal growth! Indeed, researchers have found that the best works of art and innovations emerge when people work in an environment that provides a “sweet spot” of physiological arousal – a.k.a. stress.

Changes are an inherent part of life – impossible to avoid. In fact, you may have heard that the one certainty in life is change! Life changes can range from a new job, to a newborn baby, to a new house. As you can see, some changes have the potential to be very positive. Even so, they are a primary source of stress for many people, because humans have an evolutionary psychology tendency to avoid what’s new and stick to the status quo.

The problem with stress, no matter its source, is that if it is not handled properly, it can wreak havoc on the body, mind, and spirit. Below are 10 steps to help you manage stress so you can accept the flow of life and level up, instead of allowing the stresses of life to hold you back.

Step 1: Identifying Triggers

We can’t manage stress until we know what’s causing it. The triggers can vary wildly from person to person, and they’re not always obvious. Keeping a journal about stress can help to identify patterns and causes.

Step 2: Understand Your Coping Strategies

How do you currently react to stress? Is it helping or hindering you? Unhelpful responses include smoking, using drugs, drinking alcohol, and of course, eating comfort food. A stress journal will help you and to make connections between these coping mechanisms and stress triggers.

Step 3: Develop New Strategies

If you’ve identified unhelpful coping strategies, the next step is to replace them with healthy ones. Experiment with techniques like:

• Going for a walk
• Meditating
• Calling a friend or loved one
• Exercising
• Listening to music

There are endless options, so keep going until you find something that takes you out of your stressful mindset.

Step 4: Get Active

We already know that exercise is great for releasing endorphins and improving the mood. During stressful times, exercise can also provide space for us to process our thoughts. It doesn’t have to be intense exercise – even walking the dog or dancing around the lounge to a favorite song can help.

Step 5: Get Proactive

Can your stress triggers be changed? If so, be proactive and take control. Write down three things that you could do to address a stressful situation, and commit to doing them by a certain time.

Step 6: Practice Acceptance

It may be that you can’t change what’s stressing you. That’s a frustrating feeling in itself, and it can lead to even more stress. In that case, practice accepting the things you can’t change.

Step 7: Make Connections

Reaching out to family or friends can help you to feel calmer. They may be able to offer advice or support, but you don’t even have to talk about what’s stressing you; the very act of simply making a social connection is often enough to help you manage stress.

Step 8: Practice Self-Care

Make a conscious effort to set aside time to recharge. Get rid of any distractions and take the time to do something you truly enjoy, whether that’s socializing, taking a relaxing bath, or working on a hobby or project. For more tips on self-care, click here.

Step 9: Manage Your Time

Being busy is almost mandatory these days, and if we don’t manage our time effectively, we can easily become overwhelmed. Don’t over-commit, learn to prioritize, and practice saying no to things you don’t want to or don’t have the time to do. Schedule your workouts, meal prepping and self-care into your schedule and don’t allow anything to knock it off your to-do list. You health is a priority!

Step 10: Stay Positive

Taking just a few minutes to remind ourselves of everything we’re grateful for can be a wonderful mood-booster and a great way to manage stress. Keep a gratitude diary, or simply think of three things you’re grateful for at the end of every day. I always remind my clients to praise themselves for every step they take to shift into their new selves or deny their old habits.

I hope this helps. What do you do to manage stress? Has it been helpful? If you need help turning your greatest stressors into your biggest breakthroughs so you can manifest the life that you want then let me know. I offer a variety of services to help you each your goals.

In Good Health,
Amber Stew BS,
Holistic Nutritionist
Certified Master Life Coach
ACSM Exercise Physiologist,
CTNC Mental Health Specialist
TBMM Corrective Exercise Specialist

Amber Stewart CTNC Mental Health Coach

Hi! My name is Amber and I’m a Body Goals Builder, Master Life Coach, Certified Health Coach, CTNC Mental Health Specialist, Stress Alchemist & Fear Conqueror

I used to be a people pleasing, work-a-holic who stressed herself out to climb the wellness industry’s corporate ladder, while obsessing over her self image. I soon realized that none of it mattered if I wasn’t happy with myself, inside and out,  and surrounded around people who loved and respected me.

I now help individuals who are stressed out, out of shape and struggling to find balance in their lives learn how to ease their worries, improve their health, create 10x more joy in their lives and manifest the life of their dreams. At the STEW Project, we are maximizing our living potential by Simply Taking an Emphasis on Wellness.

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