Why Spiritual Healing is Important for Personal Growth

Why Spiritual Healing is Important for Personal Growth blog visual

Think spiritual healing isn’t necessary for personal growth? Think again! Believe it or not, spirituality is closely connected with well-being and health. This is because spirituality integrates the physical, social and emotional. Therefore, it is integral in connecting the whole person. Not only is spirituality associated with improved health behaviors (like personal hygiene and going to the doctor), it is also linked to better mental health, stronger community connections, and optimism about the future. If you are on a personal healing journey and haven’t been focusing on your spiritual health, then hopefully this blog will help you change your perspective so you can incorporate your spiritual health to increase your personal growth. 

Spirituality & Health

One review found that 83% of studies linked spirituality with better health. Another review found that 92% of studies linked spirituality with improved mental health. Interestingly, some studies have even shown that prayer by others is associated with fewer complications for patients. Furthermore, spirituality meets the basic human need of connection, reduce stress and increases meaning in life. It also helps people feel prepared to death, provides support during challenging periods, and promotes acceptance and forgiveness. 


Basic Spiritual Needs

Just like a flower needs water, soil and sunlight to survive and thrive, humans crave to be seen, to be heard and to matter. These are no surface-level needs. To truly be healthy, individuals need to be:

  • Seen for who they are
  • Heard- not just listened to
  • To feel as though what they do and who they are matters.

These human desires are tied into the four basic spiritual needs:

Meaning & Purpose: We desire to feel as though we spend our time on things that matter. Even when individuals acknowledge that they won’t live forever, they hope that their life’s work (or at least their children) will endure for some time- even after they die. When we don’t have meaning or purpose, we may be more selfish and self indulgent in unhealthy coping mechanisms since our existence doesn’t really matter.

Hope: Whether a person hopes in the universe, a higher power, or mankind, it is absolutely vital that an individual have hope. Hope is positive and future-oriented. Instead of getting lost in what currently is- as undesirable it may be- people who have hope are motivated by what might be in the future. Hope is especially important for those struggling with a chronic disease and/or pain.

Connection: This is perhaps the most critical spiritual need. Spirituality itself is essentially connection- with yourself, with others, and with nature and/or a higher power. The human spirit naturally wishes to exist as part of the web of spirits, and when an individual isolate/ is lonely, the spirit is unnaturally detached from this web. When this happens, psychological, spiritual or physical disease is imminent.

Beliefs: Beliefs are trust or faith in something beyond the self. It is through beliefs that individuals begin to transcend themselves, their situation and their physical body. If you don’t believe in anything then you can fall for anything.

Different Types of Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth is the process of developing self-identity, nurturing meaningful relationships with others and with a higher power and recognizing transcendence and unity. In short, it is seeing beyond what is right in front of you. Spiritual growth is a two-dimensional process – proceeding horizontally and vertically.

Horizontal (or outward) spiritual growth is an awareness of and reflection on relationships with others, values, spiritual expression, and an appreciation of the environment. Vertical (or upward) spirituality is a closer relationship with a higher being or purpose.

The two do not always go hand-in-hand; people can develop horizontally but not vertically, or vice versa. As a Certified Master Life Coach, empath and spiritual healer, I am able to recognize whether someone has developed both aspects of spirituality, and help them to correct any spiritual imbalances.

Ways to Support Your Spiritual Healing Journey

Whether you are wanting to nurture more meaningful relationships, develop your self-identity or create a deeper relationship with your Creator, it is important to practice self care to help support yourself through the spiritual healing process. Self-care approaches for spiritual growth include prayer, meditation, gratitude, time in nature, creativity, dancing, relaxation, church, and making new friends. If done mindfully (fully engaged in the moment), many activities can facilitate spiritual healing (I sometimes use exercise which is what I call purpose behind movement). The goal of spiritual growth is spiritual consciousness, learning to see reality for what it is. Think of it as an evolution of consciousness, or a progression toward more inclusive, integrative, and expansive ways of thinking and being.

Signs and Symptoms Associated with a Spiritual Awakening: 

Spiritual healing cannot occur without a spiritual awakening. A spiritual awakening is not necessarily a religious experience, but it often has long-lasting effects. While some people may never experience a spiritual awakening, others can have many throughout the journey of life. 

A spiritual awakening is also commonly referred to as enlightenment, liberation, mystical experiences, being born again, and near-death experiences. Whatever name it goes by, it is the core of permanent transformation. Sure you might set a new year’s resolution or create a goal for the week, but humans have a way of reverting back to old habits without deep, spirit level change.

 A spiritual awakening can be described as a rapture of the heart. This is characterized by intense love and pulses that radiate throughout the body. These waves of love are engulfing and all-consuming. You begin to see everything as an outflow of yourself. You are connected to everything and everyone. During a spiritual awakening, you experience deep peace and a sense of total stillness. You can identify and experience the divine in everyone and everything, and in return, express genuine gratitude. Essentially, you merge with your spiritual essence and move from a mere personality to an authentic self. 

 After a spiritual awakening, you will spend more time alone, centered, and peaceful.  Finally, your self-concept and self-identity will drastically change. You will no longer be defined by your ego, personality, or past experiences. Instead, your identity will be based on simply being. You are who you are right now – no need to look to the past. You see, personality is based on past experience and memories rather than present awareness. But when you have a spiritual awakening, you are released from this trap and allow yourself to simply be.

Spiritual Awakenings can be highly uncomfortable or difficult as the physical body doesn’t keep up with the inner transformation. For this reason, many symptoms can arise, which can be quite alarming. These symptoms can be very deceiving, leading people to believe they are ill, have mental health disorders or are becoming antisocial. However, when evaluated in the greater life context, it becomes evident that these symptoms represent a shift in consciousness. Remember, the mind, body, and spirit are all intimately connected, and you can’t shift one without affecting the others.

Signs & symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening Include:

  • Fatigue and needing more sleep: The body needs to adjust to a higher frequency (i.e. infant/child in a growth  spurt) 
  • Anxiety and fear: The individual can feel out of control, resulting in anxiety 
  • Aches and pains: Pain results from holding energy that doesn’t represent the authentic self
  • Forgetting and memory loss: Activating the right brain can temporarily impair memory 
  • Lifestyle change: Passions shift and people feel inspired to pursue other paths 
  • Sadness and depression: Difficult emotions may surface 
  • Change of friendships: Changing interests can cause people to grow apart, especially when values and  perspectives are not shared 
  • Changing sleep: Resulting from restlessness 
  • Tingling at the crown of the head: A sign that the crown chakra is opening 
  • Waves of emotion: Occurs when a flood of emotion is released from the heart chakra 
  • Thinking of past events: Deep shifts occur that stir up old memories, including loss, grief, and abuse  
  • Weight fluctuations: Transformation unearths suppressed fears, and people may attempt to ground themselves  with food 
  • Strange cravings: Changes in eating habits help support the body, mind, and spirit during this time of  transformation 
  • Increased sensitivity: Senses are amplified 
  • Skin eruptions: Skin may be expressing suppressed emotions and unresolved traumas 
  • Pain/digestive issues: A sign of inner turmoil and change 
  • Looking and feeling younger: A product of releasing limiting beliefs 
  • Vivid dreams: These may carry important messages

I hope this helps, if you need help working your way through a spiritual awakening, let me know. My Tap In coaching program is perfect for individuals who need support with spiritual healing, recovering from toxic relationships or if they just want a safe environment for them to tap into their emotions.

In Good Health,
Amber Stewart BS,
Holistic Nutritionist
Certified Master Life Coach
ACSM Exercise Physiologist,
CTNC Mental Health Specialist
TBMM Corrective Exercise Specialist

Amber Stewart CTNC Mental Health Coach

Hi! My name is Amber and I’m a Body Goals Builder, Master Life Coach, Certified Health Coach, CTNC Mental Health Specialist, Stress Alchemist & Fear Conqueror

I used to be a people pleasing, work-a-holic who stressed herself out to climb the wellness industry’s corporate ladder, while obsessing over her self image. I soon realized that none of it mattered if I wasn’t happy with myself, inside and out,  and surrounded around people who loved and respected me.

I now help individuals who are stressed out, out of shape and struggling to find balance in their lives learn how to ease their worries, improve their health, create 10x more joy in their lives and manifest the life of their dreams. At the STEW Project, we are maximizing our living potential by Simply Taking an Emphasis on Wellness.

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